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We help home owners & businesses deal with Bird Control & Wildlife Removal through use of Falconry  and other humane control methods. Permanent Results. GUARANTEED.

Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control has been synonymous with Excellence in Humane Pest Bird Control and Animal & Wildlife Removal for over 35 years. Call us today at 416.429.5393


Hawkeye Bird and Animal Control Services

Animal Wildlife Removal

Animal Wildlife Removal

Permanent Removal. Guaranteed.

Bird Control & Removal

Effective control methods, incl. Falconry

Falconry Experience

Spend an hour or three with our Birds of Prey... have a Hawk or Owl fly to YOUR arm!

Animal Wrangling

Hawkeye's trained Dogs & Birds of Prey are available for Motion Pictures, Television, Photography, and more...

What makes Hawkeye different from other wildlife control companies?

Hawkeye is the ONLY pest bird and animal/wildlife control company in Canada designated "Certified Wildlife Control Professional" AND holding the following permits/licenses:


Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitTrapping of Fur Bearing Animals
In contrast to all other companies, we can euthanize the bird or fur bearing animal, thus guaranteeing it will not return.

Falconry PermitCommercial Falconry Permit
We use Birds of Prey (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles) to scare, chase, or remove in a natural and humane way.

Pest control licenseOntario Pest Control License
We can employ chemical solutions to certain problems. These methods include natural pesticides.

Trapping of Fur Bearing Animals PermitShooting in Sensitive Environments
Our extensive training and certifications allow us to use pyrotechnics or firearms, even in urban settings.


We offer PERMANENT solutions above and beyond what other companies can offer. GUARANTEED. 


35+ years of Bird and Animal Wildlife Control probably speaks for itself.

Our love for and experience in dealing with Pest Birds and Animal Wildlife has taken us to Airports, Hospitals, Municipal Parks and Marinas, High Rise Buildings, Manufacturing Plants, and to homes all across southern Ontario.

Our unique approach and proprietary equipment as well as our extensive training truly set us apart. All of our technicians are licensed trappers and undergo continued training in areas of safety and best practices.


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Seagulls in Spring

The gulls (or seagulls) are back! Well, to be fair, they never left. They just all of a sudden seem to be noticeably more vocal than a month ago :) It seems as if as soon as the ice even partially leaves our lakes, the seagulls are there and loud and obnoxious as ever. 

Gulls enjoy a number of Federal and Provincial protections, so permits are required for all bird control activities involving seagulls. Hopefully, you have your permits in place, because once the gulls are nesting and have laid eggs, you're out of luck and will have to wait until the fledglings have left the nest. It's March now and nesting season is just around the corner. 

Gull Nesting

Seagull nesting season typically begins in late March/early April but can last into the month of May with mating and nest building. Both prospective parents partake in the construction of the nest, using materials available in the area they are in. Since there are so many different species of gulls and all of them are quite adaptable, their nesting locations vary from steep cliffs to flat roofs or an indentation in the ground. The female is usually in charge of the nest interior (she's the interior decorator) by sculpting it into a bowl like shape with her body. This will serve to hold and protect her eggs and chicks.

Gull Mating Behaviour

Gulls usually mate for life - and they can reach the age of 30 or more. The male often returns to the colony where he was hatched to find his mate, while a young female typically travels to visit a new colony in the search for her lifetime partner. Together, they will find and set up the perfect forever home, which may well be on your roof!

Gull Breeding

Once the nest is built and the weather is tolerable, the female will lay up to three eggs which her and dad-to-be will take turns sitting on for about 28 days. Now, interestingly, should those two lovebirds not be able to successfully produce healthy offspring, they will split up. Just like that, no lawyers needed. They will both go off and find themselves a new mate. And try again.

Nesting Communities

Gulls are social creatures and have a collective intelligence. They frequently live in nesting communities, where they'll time their nesting and mating so that eggs hatch at the same time and chicks can be cared for by the whole community. This provides the wee ones with a much better chance of survival.

Read more: Seagulls in Spring


In Ontario, Hawkeye offers Bird control, Animal control, Wildlife removal services and products in: