Geese Nest Removal in Brampton: Best Practices and Legal Considerations
Canada Geese are about to return to nest and spend their summer in Brampton and towns all over Ontario. Hopefully, you have your permits in place and you and your professional goose control partner have agreed on a geese management plan that focuses on disrupting the breeding and nesting cycle.
Like so many cities in our beautiful province, Brampton offers perfect breeding and feeding grounds for geese. Its many old cemeteries, parks, rivers, lakes, ponds and artificial bodies of water attract a large number of water fowl and other wildlife - and that doesn't come without challenges.
Geese Nest Removal in Brampton
Nest Removal is just one method to consider when making a geese management plan. Virtually all bird control measures require 2 or more methods employed simultaneously or one following another to ensure long term success. Canada geese have incredibly strong migration and nesting instincts. Geese will return to "their" Brampton nesting site year after year, so making that site unattractive is a non-lethal and humane way to make geese reconsider and change their choice of breeding location.
Geese are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and any interference with nests or eggs requires a permit.
Understanding the Challenge: Why Geese Nest Removal Is Necessary
Since Canada Geese have adapted so well to living alongside humans and as there are fewer natural predators in urban centers like Brampton, more goslings survive their first year of life and go on to continue the cycle of migration and breeding. Many female geese will return to and raise families (up to eleven wee ones in one season) where they themselves hatched and grow the size of the flock exponentially.
Public Safety
- Aggression
During nesting season, both parents-to-be have very defined roles. The female tends to the eggs and the male provides for her and keeps the nest safe. He takes his job very seriously and aggressively defends his mate and the nest. With a steady increase in the Brampton goose population, geese attacks are on the rise.
- Slip and Fall Accidents
When an entire flock of geese congregates in a public park, marina, or other greenspace, there will be goose droppings. They are plentiful, messy, smelly, and slippery.
- Spread of Disease
Birds carry bacteria, viruses, and parasites on feathers, and expel them through their droppings. Once dried, goose droppings and potential diseases become airborne.
- Bird Strikes
We mainly think of aircraft when we hear the word bird strike but did you know that thousands of automobiles collide with geese every year. Due to their size, those collisions can be fatal. With its close proximity to Pearson International Airport as well as Hwy 410, this is a real concern for Brampton.
Property Damage
Golf Courses in particular suffer substantial and costly consequences from grazing geese. Young, fresh shoots are the most popular and will be decimated in no time - leaving grass unable to regenerate. Goose dropping are unsightly, unsanitary, and somewhat dampen the experience.
Environmental Concerns
- Water Quality
With the ongoing overpopulation of geese come concerns about water quality. Algae and bacteria such as E-coli contaminate many ponds, especially smaller ones.
- Soil Erosion
Overgrazing at river banks and other waters' edges leads to soil erosion.
Read more: Geese Nest Removal in Brampton: Best Practices and Legal Considerations