Skunk Odor Removal: Why Is Skunk Spray So Persistent?
The chemical makeup of skunk spray differs depending on the species (did you know that there are 12 species?), but all of them share special types of compounds called “thiols.” Thiols, also known as “mercaptans,” contain sulfur and hydrogen - yuck. There's a theory that we (humans) are particularly sensitive to the smell of sulphur because sulphur is a potentially fatal toxin and it is our survival instinct putting us on high alert when THAT smell assaults our senses.
The striped skunk (which is what we typically see in Ontario) is a boldly colored nocturnal animal whose glands hold about a tablespoon of musky smelling methyl mercaptan. This is enough to allow the skunk to spray five or six times. It stomps its feet, growls, hisses, turns its back, and raises its tail straight up when it is about to spray. It can spray up to 15 feet and the smell can carry a mile or more.
Because of its oily properties, skunk spray binds fabulously to any type of hair or fiber and is not easily 'rinsed off'. But, you're likely aware of that if you landed on this page.
How to Get Skunk Smell Off Dog
Oh dear. Your dog has had a skunk encounter. Here's what you'll need to do:
Keep the Smell and Dog Contained
First things first. As much as you'd rather not be close to your dog right now, it's best to grab your leash and contain him or her (preferably outdoors!) If at all possible, keep your dog outside until washed and reasonably dried off. If outdoors is not an option, your bath tub will have to do.
Pick Your Wash: The Peroxide, Baking Soda, and Dish Soap Solution or Vinegar-Based Treatments
The #1 Treatment
1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 teaspoon liquid soap or dish detergent
We highly recommend this solution - here at Hawkeye, we are dog owners as well. This method is tried and tested and, based on our experience, the most effective skunk spray treatment.
Vinegar-Based White vinegar contains acid which has the ability to break down skunk spray odor, even quicker when boiled. However, we find that in the end your dog just smells like skunk and vinegar!
Anything Tomato (The Tomato Juice Myth) No! Stop right now. It doesn't work and your dog will smell like skunk and tomato juice. Not at all what you intended!
Massage the Mixture Into Fur & Let Sit for 5 Minutes
The dog bathing technique is the same, no matter which solution you choose. Be very mindful of your dogs nose and eyes when 'deskunking'.
Mix your ingredients
Thoroughly massage into your dog's DRY fur, covering as much has possible and down to the skin. Use a facecloth to carefully wash the dog’s face.
Let sit for 5 minutes
Rinse (and probably repeat)
Optional: Follow up with dog shampoo and conditioner to help lift any oily residues
Optional: Follow up with pet deodorizer
For larger dogs mix several batches. The peroxide mixture is not stable and must be used immediately. DO NOT store the mixture in an airtight container. It produces oxygen and may cause the container to split open. Please note that your dog will still carry some of that lovely skunk aroma while wet. It will fade as your dog dries. If possible, have your dog dry off outdoors.
Any dog that would normally get its hair trimmed can be sent to the groomer after it has been bathed to have the hair removed that has been affected by the skunk odour.
Wash Collars, Leashes or Other Items That May Have Been Contaminated
It's astounding how persistent the smell is, so it's super important to wash EVERYTHING that came in contact with spray - even if just transferred. This may include your own clothing.
Removal of Skunk Odor from House, Shed or Deck
To remove skunk odour from under your house, shed or deck place about 25 pounds of charcoal down the hole . The odour in the air will be absorbed by the charcoal.
Removal of Skunk Odour from Yard
To remove skunk odour from your yard: Spray that has drifted over a large area can be neutralized by mixing 1 gallon of clear vinegar and 1 cup of non-foaming cleanser (such as liquid dishwasher soap) in a backpack garden sprayer. Spray down the area - it will help neutralized the smell.
Preventing Future Skunk Encounters
Ideally, we don't want to lay eyes on any skunk around our home. But if we do and to prevent it from spraying we'll need to pay attention to the warning signs the animal gives. Skunks are near sighted and startle easily. Warning signs are stomping of feet, puffed out body and tail, a raised tail, arched back and running a few steps in our direction. All of this is the skunk's attempt to scare us off - before deploying its ultimate weapon. If you do not pay attention to these signs and don’t back off, you will be in for a nasty surprise when the skunk quickly flips its body around and sprays you!
Yard Management Tips
Of course, the best way to avoid skunk spray is to not encounter a skunk! The less tempting your yard is, the less likely skunks – or any other animal causing problems – will have the opportunity to get into conflict with your dog. Here are a few tips to make your yard a little less inviting:
Secure Your Trash and Other Food Sources Many of us keep our trash bin by the side of the house - make sure it is solid and the lid is secure. Remove outdoor pet dishes (both food and water) and store any animal feed in a locked shed. Oh! While you're at it, make sure your compost is secure as well - skunks love dead things.
Modify the Habitat Around Your Home Landscaping - not just for optics! Skunks love to hide out in brush or leaf piles, so let's rake those up. And, have you checked under your deck or porch lately? Are you sure that no animals can get sneak in there? Close up any potential access points with wire mesh (hardware cloth).
Install Fencing Your vegetable garden may be what keeps skunks coming back - it's time to put up some barriers. Make sure to bury the fencing since skunks are quite prolific diggers.
Training Your Dog
Having great recall is not only useful but essential for any dog owner. While there is little you can do if your dog is out of sight, many a bath can be avoided if you're able to call your dog back once a skunk is spotted.
Conclusion: Being Prepared for Skunk Encounters!
If for some reason you need to approach a skunk or its den, move slowly, talk in a low, soothing voice and DON”T make any quick movements! If you are close enough and can do so safely, throw a towel or blanket over the animal. Practice calling your dog to your side often and in many different situations. And then... keep a supply of peroxide and baking soda on hand. Good luck!
If you have a skunk problem in your yard, contact Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control today. We've got your back!
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