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Dealing with raccoon poop might not be the most pleasant task, but it's a necessary one if you want to maintain a safe and healthy environment around your home!

Raccoon feces can carry harmful pathogens, including the eggs of the raccoon roundworm, which can pose serious health risks to humans and pets. That's why it's crucial to know how to clean up raccoon poop safely and effectively.


raccoon poop removal


What Does Raccoon Poop Look Like?

Identifying raccoon poop is the first step in the cleanup process. Raccoon feces are usually about 2 to 3 inches long and 1/2 inch in diameter. They’re dark in colour and often contain visible berries, seeds, or other undigested food.

Raccoon poop is often found in piles or latrines, where raccoons repeatedly defecate in the same area. In fact, one of the key identifiers of raccoon poop is its location.

Raccoons tend to choose secluded spots for their latrines, such as the base of trees, attics, or flat surfaces like roofs. If you find poop in these areas, especially if it matches the description above, you’re probably dealing with raccoon feces.

The Dangers of Leaving Raccoon Poop Alone

Raccoon poop is not something you want to ignore. Leaving it unattended can pose serious health risks, primarily due to the presence of raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis). This parasite's eggs can be found in raccoon feces and, if ingested by humans or pets, can lead to a severe infection known as baylisascariasis. The infection can affect the brain, eyes, and other organs, and in severe cases, it can be fatal.

Children and pets are particularly at risk because they're more likely to come into contact with contaminated soil or feces while playing outdoors. The roundworm eggs can remain infectious in the environment for years, so timely cleanup is crucial to prevent any potential contamination.

How to Clean Up Raccoon Poop

Cleaning up raccoon poop requires caution and the right protective measures to prevent any health risks. That’s why it’s so important to know how to clean up raccoon poop (and keep it away). We always recommend hiring a professional animal control team, as they’ll know how to safely clean up raccoon poop.

Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure a safe and effective cleanup:

  1. Get protective gear. Before you start, put on disposable gloves, a mask, and protective eyewear to avoid any direct contact with the feces and prevent inhalation of harmful particles.
  2. Pick up the poop. Using a shovel or a similar tool, carefully scoop up the raccoon poop. Try not to break it apart to avoid releasing any harmful particles into the air.
  3. Double-bag the waste. Place the collected poop in a plastic bag, then seal it and put it into another bag to ensure it's securely contained.
  4. Dispose properly. Dispose of the double-bagged feces in an outdoor trash bin. Do not compost or bury it, as this could lead to soil contamination.
  5. Disinfect the area. Clean the area with a solution of bleach and water (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) or another suitable disinfectant. Let the solution sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off.
  6. Wash your hands and tools. After the cleanup, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Disinfect any tools used in the process.

Raccoon Poop In Your Attic

If you find raccoon poop in your attic, it's important to address it promptly and thoroughly to avoid any health risks and prevent further damage. Along with the proper protocol of removing raccoon poop, it’s important to know that raccoon feces can contaminate insulation, wood, and other materials in your attic. Use of a UV light will help identify any areas of insulation that have been contaminated. 

Use a disinfectant to clean the affected area thoroughly. For large or difficult-to-reach areas, consider using a garden sprayer filled with a disinfectant solution.

To prevent future infestations, seal all entry points to your attic, including gaps in the roof, vents, and eaves. Consider installing a chimney cap and trimming tree branches that provide access to your roof. Though it’s possible to remove raccoon poop by yourself, we suggest bringing in specialists to not only ensure your space is cleaned throughout, but to look for other droppings, nesting materials, and damage, and help prevent it in the future.

Raccoon Poop In Your Yard

If you’re wondering how to clean up raccoon poop in your yard, you’ll need to first be aware of how you’re maintaining your yard, as well as how your trash and food sources are being secured. By being thorough about the maintenance of your yard, you’ll be more likely to prevent future infestations.

Frequently Asked Questions: How to Clean Up Raccoon Poop

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to cleaning up raccoon poop:

Is Raccoon Poop Dangerous?

Yes, raccoon poop can be dangerous due to the potential presence of harmful pathogens, including the eggs of the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis).

This parasite can cause serious health issues in humans and pets if ingested. Additionally, raccoon feces may carry other diseases such as leptospirosis and salmonella, which makes it even more important to handle and dispose of the waste properly.

Can I Get Sick from Raccoon Poop?

Humans can get sick from raccoon poop if they accidentally ingest the roundworm eggs or come into contact with other pathogens present in the feces. This can happen through hand-to-mouth contact after handling contaminated materials or by inhaling airborne particles.

To prevent illness, always wear protective gear when cleaning up raccoon poop, wash your hands thoroughly afterward, and disinfect the affected area. Even better, hire a professional team to remove the poop so you can be sure all protocols are properly being followed.

Do I Need to Call a Professional to Clean Up Raccoon Poop?

While you can clean up small amounts of raccoon poop yourself by following proper safety guidelines, there are many situations where it's best to call a professional:

  • If there is a large amount of feces or it's spread over a wide area.
  • If the poop is in hard-to-reach places like attics or crawl spaces.
  • If you're unsure about the proper cleanup procedures or don't feel comfortable doing it yourself.

Professional animal control services can provide safe and thorough cleanup, as well as help identify and seal entry points to prevent future raccoon infestations. They have the experience and equipment needed for how to properly clean up raccoon poop as well as minimize the risk of disease transmission. Give us a call so you can get a handle on droppings and any other animal-related issues on your property!


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