The short answer is Yes! For a few days, at least. Some lasers work better than others and time of day or ambient light also plays a role. Let's explore this in more detail:
What is a Laser?
The word Laser is actually an acronym. It stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Radiation? That sounds dangerous! Well, there are different kinds of lasers and with different strengths (wattage). A handheld laser used for Geese Control does not emit radiation harmful to the human who handles it or the bird it is aimed at. In Canada, the use of lasers is heavily regulated.
Lasers are designed to concentrate beams of light by forcing their waveforms and frequencies to align. Modern laser technology can amplify light rays in just about any part of the electromagnetic spectrum, with the exception of gamma waves. A laser can emit a narrow stream of light over a long distance.
Green Laser vs. Other Colours
Green lasers are definitely favored over any other colour. Green is the brightest wavelength for any eye that can discern colour. To give you an idea, a green laser beam is five to seven times brighter than any other laser color (at the same output power). So, yes.. when it comes to scaring geese away, a green laser is the way to go.
Why are Geese scared of Lasers?
We have no concrete statement from a Canada goose thus far, but it is believed that geese view a laser beam coming at them as something snake-like slithering toward them. Geese have a natural fear of snakes because of their predatory nature, lying in wait for their prey until it's too late. Snakes also go after eggs, so that surely doesn't help.
How does it Work?
The laser is never pointed directly at a bird. In fact, this would help the geese realize that there is no physical danger. A bird control technician will point a hand held laser in the general direction of offending geese from a distance of 10 feet or more. He or she will move the laser in a slow and methodical zig zag pattern on the ground and towards the birds. The goose or geese will immediately vacate the area.
How Effective are Lasers in Disbursing Canada Geese?
In the immediate after math of using the laser, the geese will definitely stage a hasty exit. However, they may just do a hop, skip, and a jump to the other side of the field (if agricultural area) or pond and return shortly thereafter. Let's look at when to deploy the laser and how to best prevent geese from returning:
What time of Year are Lasers Effective?
Using lasers to remove or relocate Canada Geese will have to happen before they nest - so, early March in Ontario - or after they have hatched their offspring come July and onward. Once they have nested, it's too late and almost nothing will prevent them from returning to their nests AND becoming mighty angry and aggressive with anyone attempting to get near them.
Laser Deployment between Dusk and Dawn
Or, otherwise known as 'in the dark'. Geese feel more vulnerable in the dark (as do most prey animals) and are on higher alert than during daylight hours. Something that can be viewed as an annoyance during the day, may take on an entirely different nature at night. Also, lasers are more visible in the dark and hence amplify the effect.
Will Canada Geese return after being scared off by Laser?
They will. Lasers can prove quite effective for a few days but eventually there'll be that one goose that didn't move in time and had the light pass over its body - and nothing happened. Geese are intelligent, have an excellent memory, and communicate well and often with their fellows. And, after one goose found out there's no actual danger, the rest will, too. For the long term success, lasers will have to be accompanied by other removal methods.
When Not to Use Lasers
Or, more precisely, WHERE not to use lasers. Most lasers may not be used in and around airports - for obvious reasons. We don't want anything to interfere with safe aviation and/or air traffic control. Pointing a laser at an aircraft is illegal. It can temporarily blind the pilots, especially in low altitudes and during critical phases of take-off or approach. With permission, some lasers with a leveler may be used at airports - these lasers automatically turn off when pointed in the air.
Lasers in Conjunction with Other Geese Control Methods
Most Bird Control methods only yield long term favorable outcomes when two or more methods are used simultaneously or in in short succession.
Chasing or Hazing with Dogs
Trained dogs are an excellent way to reinforce the message that 'this area is not safe'. The dogs do not attack but merely chase the geese. Geese will take off in a huff and suspiciously watch from a distance. As with all other bird control or removal efforts, this had to be repeated several times and over several days.
Remote Control Vehicles (ROVs)
Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control has seen great success using Remote Control Boats on larger ponds and lakes - particularly in the dark. Again, geese are in a heightened state of alertness and the wake from a remote control boat likely looks like a swimming mammal coming towards them.
Call in the Geese Removal Experts!
Here at Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control we have perfected geese control and geese removal for the past 30+ years and we continue to find custom solutions to your problems with Canada Geese. Our proprietary laser equipment in conjunction with other geese removal methods is successfully used in many different environments, from the agricultural sector to public parks and golf courses and anything in between. Let us help you with a Geese Management Plan that works for you.
Contact Hawkeye today and get a head start on dealing with soon-to-arrive Canada Geese. And, don't forget to obtain your permits!
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