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Dan Frankian is an accomplished falconer, using his skills to provide a natural alternative to chemical and product driven Bird, Animal, and Pest Control in the Toronto and Golden Horseshoe Area... Read more »

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As a resident of Oakville, you've likely made the acquaintance of one or more raccoons around your home or neighbourhood. Especially, if you live near one of Oakville's many parks or ample green spaces, you probably have regular raccoon visitors. In this article we'll explore some common raccoon-related issues, how to spot them, and more importantly how to prevent ever increasing raccoon infestations in and around Oakville.

raccoon infestation oakville

The Problem with Raccoon Infestations in Oakville

Property Damage

  • Attics, Roofs, Siding, and Crawlspaces
    Despite their roly-poly appearance, raccoons are really quite nimble and prove to be excellent climbers. Seeking the most efficient and direct route to your attic, they will tear up your roof shingles, drainage systems or vents to gain access to the inside of your home. ,Once inside, they'll also damage wiring and insulation - possibly causing water or frost damage or even fires.

  • Gardens and Lawns 
    Many avid gardeners have cursed the nighttime assault on their pristine lawns, flower beds, planters, and vegetable gardens. Raccoons (and skunks!) looking for grubs just below the surface will do a number on your painstakingly maintained landscape and gardens.prevent raccoons oakville

  • Urine Damage
    Especially many of the older Oakville homes with wooden floors are prone to rotting and mold due to raccoon urine and feces. We have seen damage so severe that the entire floor/ceiling collapsed and the contents of a raccoon latrine from the attic landed on the kitchen table.

Health Risks Associated with Raccoons

  • Rabies Risk for both Pets and Humans
    Raccoons are the most common vector species for Rabies - a fatal disease if contracted by humans and unvaccinated pets.

  • Leptospirosis
    Leptospirosis is a bacterial infections with potentially serious consequences. It is spread through animal urine or feces, or water or soil contaminated with animal urine and feces.

  • Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris Procyonis)
    Raccoon Roundworm is a parasite found in raccoon feces. Contaminated soil or water is the most common vehicle of transmission. This parasite is extremely dangerous due to its larvae being able to migrate into brain tissue and cause damage. Concerns are actually on the rise because of the number of raccoons and increasing interaction with humans in and around Oakville.

  • Cleaning and Disinfecting a Latrine
    Safety protocols must be observed when dealing with raccoon feces and urine. Accidentally inhaling airborne spores or transferring bacteria to your face comes with dire consequences.

So, let's have a look then at how you can prevent or at the very least discourage raccoons from claiming your homes as their own.  Even without a professional raccoon control service, there are things you can do to keep raccoons away from your Oakville home or business.

1. Secure Your Garbage Bins

Raccoons are highly intelligent and opportunistic mammals. They much prefer a quick and easy meal over one they have to dig up or chase down. So, your trash bin becomes a treasure trough - full of ready made snacks. To make dining not quite so easy, use trash cans with lockable sturdy lids; use bungee cords to really secure the lids, if necessary. Or, even better, move your trash bins indoors or to a locked garden shed. 

2. Eliminate Food Sources in Your Yard

  • Move food and water bowls intended for your pets indoors;
  • Empty your bird bath in the evening;
  • Remove fallen fruit from your fruit trees or orchard;
  • If you are dealing with really persistent raccoons, move your bird feeders indoors overnight as well.

3. Seal Entry Points to Your Home

  • Identify common raccoon entry points (roof, attic, basement, soffits) and inspect them regularly;
  • Use metal mesh and flashing to seal any gaps and/or reinforce any weak points;
  • Pay close attention to raccoon droppings around your home and monitor for raccoon activity.

4. Install Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers

While this is not terribly effective (certainly not long term), it is easy and affordable enough and may buy you some time before or while implementing other methods. Remember that raccoons are very intelligent. Yes, they may be startled by a bright light but they'll very quickly realize that there no actual danger.

5. Trim Overhanging Tree Branches and Large Shrubs

Raccoons are prolific climbers and use trees or fences to access your roof and eventually your attic.

  • Cut tree branches at least 6-8 feet away from your home.
  • Install metal baffles to prevent climbing.

6. Use Raccoon Deterrents

  • A most effective deterrent is Electric Shock Track installed on your fence (particularly if near your roof). The current is high enough to startle the animal but low enough to not cause injury.
  • Scent repellents:  Ammonia is the most common scent used to repel raccoons. Although, spraying ammonia in an open area is far less effective than when it is used in an enclosed space. Hot sauce or cayenne pepper spray is also used as a deterrent. 
  • Avoid chemical repellents that may harm pets or wildlife and usually prove ineffective. Also stay away from mothballs as they are toxic to pets.

7. Secure Your Attic and Chimney

When in the wild, raccoons will build their dens in hollow tree stumps - well protected from the elements and potential predators. Your chimney or attic are perfectly suited to fit those needs as well. 

  • Install chimney caps and metal grates over vents to prevent entry;
  • At least twice a year, inspect your roof for any damaged shingles, gaps, or openings;
  • Regularly check attic contents and insulation for signs of raccoon nests.

8. Keep Your Lawn and Garden Clean

  • Cluttered or overgrown yards provide hiding spots, shelter, and nesting areas;
  • Remove woodpiles, debris, and overgrown shrubs;
  • Avoid fish-based fertilizers that attract raccoons.

9. Use Fencing to Protect Gardens, Ponds, and Backyard Poultry

Your garden or backyard pond provides a buffet-style experience for the sophisticated urban raccoon. Raccoons 'wash' their food prior to consuming it (provided there is water nearby) so any water feature will attract them.

  • Install electric fencing or metal mesh barriers. Remember that any barriers need to start well below ground level. Raccoons not only climb - they dig, too!
  • Use pond netting to protect koi fish from hungry raccoons;
  • Inspect your outbuildings (especially if they house livestock) for gaps, holes, or any structural weaknesses.

10. Hire Professional Raccoon Control Services in Oakville

If you feel overwhelmed by the necessary reinforcements, repairs, or changes to keep raccoons out, reach out to a professional raccoon removal service in Oakville. Humane, legal, and expert wildlife control can save you thousands of dollars worth of repairs and a host of worries. Especially if you find that a raccoon has been able to enter your home, call for help. Both, the actual removal of the animal(s) and the clean-up and disinfecting are  best left to the experts. 

Call Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control 

While prevention and pro-active measures are always better and warranted, once a raccoon has entered your home and possibly birthed a litter, you really need professional help. At Hawkeye, our licensed and trained raccoon removal technicians use infrared cameras to locate animals that cannot be easily seen or are inaccessible and make sure that mother and all kits are removed. We are experienced with trap-shy raccoons in Oakville and will help you restore your home to its pre-raccoon state, including measures to prevent future raccoon infestation. 

Contact Hawkeye today and learn about raccoon prevention, humane raccoon removal and permanent raccoon removal in Oakville.


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