Sprawling parks and an abundance of landscaped lawns and golf courses extend an open invitation to Canada Geese - to those about to arrive from the Southern U.S. and to the ones who chose to stay and overwinter right here in Mississauga. While most of us delight in the sound of honking announcing the arrival of spring, those owning or tending to any kind of green spaces, be it public, private, or corporate, do not.
Ah yes - Spring! That means it's high time to put a well thought out geese management plan into action. Once the geese have settled and started nesting it will be too late. The time to act is now. You'll want to make your beautiful green space or pond as unattractive to a flock of love-struck and set-on-reproducing Canada geese as possible. In this article, we'll explore how you can modify the environment to do just that and prevent goose invasions.
Understanding the Goose Problem in Mississauga
Geese show remarkable adaptability when it comes to living alongside humans, both in rural communities and Mississauga's urban areas. In fact, they are so successful, that overpopulation is now a concern. Especially in urban centres, geese rarely have to contend with predators and the amount of goslings surviving their first year of life (and coming back to start families of their own) is increasing each year.
Here are some of the more urgent concerns:
- Health Concerns
Geese droppings aren't just unsightly, they actually harbour a number of diseases, parasites, and bacteria. Add to that their wet and slippery nature, and you're also looking at increased slip and fall accidents. - Property Damage
What geese love most are the green, young grass sprouts - and oh, boy, do they decimate those in no time at all. This prevents grass from regenerating, resulting in tired and sickly looking lawns. Damage sustained in automobile collisions (and potentially human life) adds up to considerable amounts annually. - Safety Risks
While nesting, geese become very territorial and aggressive. While mother goose sits on the eggs, it is her mate's sole job to keep her and the nest safe and fend off any and all intruders. Due to their considerable size, goose attacks can cause serious injuries. - Pearson International Airport
A flock of Canada Geese around airports in general and busy Pearson Int'l Airport in particular, carries the greatest threat to human life and aviation equipment. - Environmental Impact
Overgrazing is definitely a concern; not just when it comes to manicured lawns but also near river banks and where land meets pond. With vegetation being decimated, soil erosion becomes an issue. The droppings of an entire flock of geese also contaminate waters with bacteria and lead to algae.
Tips to Prevent Goose Invasions in Mississauga
1. Prepare to Act Quickly Before Breeding Season
Canada Geese are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and ALL efforts revolving around geese management and geese removal in Mississauga require permits. These permits must be in place before work commences. The best time to start with any goose control methods in Mississauga is before the flock has settled in and started building nests.
2. Use Physical Barriers to Deter Geese
- Low fencing around ponds, pond wiring or netting
All of these barriers discourage geese from nesting near and escaping to bodies of water that have been modified this way.
3. Modify Your Landscaping to Make Your Property Less Attractive
- One way to protect your property from geese is to consider letting your grass grow to a length of 4 inches or higher (geese prefer short cut grass).
4. Hire Professional Goose Removal Services in Mississauga
A licensed and experienced Mississauga Geese Removal Expert will use a number of control techniques in tandem to ensure that the geese won't settle in and that the breeding cycle is disrupted. Such methods include:
- Falconry
An eagle flying overhead is of great concern to Canada Geese. The entire flock will take off in a hurry. - Trained Dogs
Well trained dogs will chase geese on land and in smaller ponds. Together with falconry, this makes for a VERY unsafe environment for geese. - Lasers
Used at night when geese feel more vulnerable, lasers play an important part in making the area unpredictable and feeling unsafe. - Remote Controlled Vehicles (Boats)
On larger ponds dogs are ineffective. The geese simply retreat to the far side of the pond. Here, ROV's are very successful in upsetting geese and other waterfowl. Like lasers, they are an unknown and unpredictable element in what geese usually perceive as their safe place. - Nest Relocation or Destruction
If you were unable to prevent nesting and you have the appropriate permits, nests can be destroyed. This is done in front of the geese and ideally includes covering up of the original nest site to discourage the birds from simply returning to rebuild their nest. - Physical Capture and Relocation
Later in the year, when geese are molting, they can be relocated to a designated area along their migration route to the south west.
Contact Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control for Geese Removal in Mississauga
Hawkeye's licensed and experienced geese removal services in Mississauga offer the expertise of 30+ years in the field and of a highly skilled team of falconers and bird control technicians. Our custom humane geese removal methods are designed for and scaled to your specific needs. Contact us today and let's get started on your Geese Management Plan.