Improved Wildlife Management at Airports:
OTTAWA — Prevention of bird strikes begins at the airport, as the majority of bird strike incidents occur within the airport environment during the takeoff, climb, final approach, and landing phases of flight. Transport Canada policy is to regard all wildlife on airports as potential hazards to airport and aircraft safety.
Bird Hazards To Aircraft And Related Wildlife Control
Collisions with birds are a severe threat to the safety of the aviation industry. Human lives may be lost due to collisions and there is a constant threat of a major crash as a result of bird strikes. In addition, bird strikes cost airline companies as well as the military millions of dollars each year. Most studies on birds at airports have been related to the hazards birds pose to aircraft.
Hawkeye Bird & Animal Control Inc. is the leading firm in Canada with applied expertise in the control of birds for air safety purposes. Many of these control programs have focused on landfills near airports which frequently attract birds and create air safety problems.
Bird Control At Airports
Hawkeye Bird Control Inc. has extensive expertise in resolving bird and wildlife control problems at airports. There are two steps to resolving bird or animal hazards to aircraft:
Identifying the problem
- How significant is the problem?
- When and where does the problem occur?
Developing a customized solution
- Assess bird or animal hazards to aircraft
- Determine the effects of airport development on wildlife
- Work with other disciplines to complete environmental impact assessment
- Determine the nuisance attraction of wildlife
Understanding the Landfill Connection
Landfills are often located near airports or attract birds and animals (like bears) across airports. Assessment is the key to early problem resolution. HAWKEYE is capable of quickly determining the nature of the problem and how to remedy the situation by means of bird or animal control, removal, repellents, and/or barriers. Proper Control Activities are critical to successful control. Most ineffective programs are the result of improper application of control methods.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Despite the best site and design process, impacts from the construction and operation of airports and landfills are unavoidable. There are many issues that need to be addressed in addition to bird or wildlife hazards, such as noise, land and water contamination, traffic volumes, and other social and environmental issues.
Please email us with the details of your bird control challenge and we will develop a strategy to create a long term solution.