Under AIB (American Institute of Baking) regulations all companies in the food services industry must maintain the highest standards related to bird and/or animal contamination.
As a member of the AIB Association Hawkeye understands the regulations you must adhere to!
The presence of birds or animals in the processing plant, or even in the general vicinity of ventilation can cause severe health issues. All companies involved in the processing of food, from manufacturers, processors, packagers, retailers and storage companies, need a proactive bird and animal/wildlife control plan.

Problems Encountered
- Defecation on packaging materials;
- Airborne contamination on food;
- Birds or wildlife eating product;
- Air contamination presents a health and safety concern for employees;
- Birds or animals setting off motion alarm systems.
Hawkeye Food Services Solution
Our solution to the food services industries' bird and/or animal control problems begins with a free inspection of your facilities. After we determine the nature and scope of the problem, we can select the most appropriate method to create a long term solution. Bird or Animal Control methods used are repellents, removal, or barriers, including the use of live birds of prey, Capture Netting™ , exclusion and/or trapping.solution.