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Well, POSSUMS live in Australia and New Zealand. What we see in Central and North America are OPOSSUMS, Virginia Opossums, to be exact. However, most people just say possum and we all know what they mean. They mean those kinda awkward critters, the only marsupials in our lands, who often get a bad rep for being dirty and smelly. But, maybe we need to look a bit closer at where and how they live.

side by side image of opossum and possum

Natural Habitats of Opossums

Virginia Opossums are nomadic. They travel up to 2 miles for food and while they may stick around an area with food abundance for a bit, they tend do tend to keep moving. They are active year round and do not hibernate during the winter months. To answer question of "where do possums live?" we need to consider the resources available in a specific area or time of year.

Forests and Woodlands

Possums live in a wide range of habitats, including open woods, deciduous forests, and farmland. But, like all wildlife, they need water and you will also find them in or near wet areas like swamps, marshes, and streams.

Urban and Suburban Areas

Being opportunistic by nature, opossums can flourish quite well in populated areas. Your yard or vegetable garden will do just fine, as will your trash bin or your pet food and water dish on the porch.

Possum Dens and Nesting Sites

When we talk about denning or nesting, it's important to note that possums don't "raise" their young in a traditional den. Possum babies are born blind, naked and much of their development happens after birth, in their mother's pouch. After a couple of months and after they have fully developed, they hitch a ride on mom's back. Mothers do not leave their young while foraging for food. However, they still need a cozy and safe place to sleep. Let's find out where that happens.

Tree Cavities and Hollows

Hollow trees or other cavities are a perfect place to sleep the day away. Possums (and opossums) are nocturnal - so most active at night. What is needed during the day is a dark, quiet place that sees little to no disturbance. So, this answers where possums live during the day. What about at night? Well, during the late evening and early morning hours, possums are busy finding sustenance.

Human-Made Structures

Of course, not every yard has a tree hollow, so one must improvise. An accessible garden shed can be a great alternative, as can a spot under your deck. Any abandoned structure or piece of machinery can also fit the bill. Especially in the colder months, you are likely not going to spend a lot of time in your shed or other outbuildings. This is a perfect time for a possum to move in. So, it's a good idea to do a weekly walk about and make sure your structures haven't acquired any new tenants.

Why Possums Choose Certain Locations

We all need to feel safe and able to care for ourselves and our families. Possums are no different. Being not the fastest critters, they'll do best tucked away and out of harm's way.

Food Availability

Opossums are opportunistic feeders. They fall into the omnivore category. While the majority of food comes from plant life, possums will also scavenge carrion or roadkill. And, as far as insects go, opossums are known for dispatching oodles of ticks and other undesirables. So, especially during late summer, you'll find them foraging in tall grassy areas, when ticks and other insects are readily available.

Safety from Predators

Being out in the open, puts most smaller animals at risk. The opossum's biggest threats are birds of prey and canine predators, such as coyote and fox. All of them quick and excellent hunters who have no trouble catching up to a possum out in the open. Hence, the small and dark places to hide and rest when not out foraging.

Preventing Possums from Settling on Your Property

Why would you not want Opossums around your yard? They eat insects - so shouldn't we be happy to see them? Well, if you tend to a garden or have fruit trees, you may not be overly ecstatic to have a possum help himself to your harvest. But, the bigger problem is the opossum predators your yard is now hosting. There are some pretty simple steps you can take to make your home a little less inviting for possums and other wildlife. Have a look at Tips for Keeping Raccoon, Skunks and Squirrels and Other Wildlife Out of Your Garden

When to Call a Professional (like Hawkeye!) for Possum Control

Desperate times don't always warrant desperate measures. Remember that you may at no time harm wildlife. When Opossums just won't move on from your property, it's time to call in a professional Animal Wildlife Control and Removal Specialist. 


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